Noah Spencer


Job Title: Youth & Outreach Minister

Describe your job: I get the amazing opportunity to equip God’s people for His service in many scenarios! Whether it be through teaching and encouraging young people, or helping expand our church’s presence in our community, it’s all for the glory of the Lord!

Home Town: Taylorsville, KY

Describe your family: Mom, Dad, and my three brothers are spread out among Kentucky, Indiana, and Massachusetts. With me is my Goldendoodle Murphy. She loves people and never runs out of energy!


Beach or mountains: Mountains for sure! “I don’t like sand”

Early Bird or Night Owl? 3am is a normal bed time, right?

Sports or arts? I’m a big fan of the arts, both to participate in and watch.

Creative or administrative? I feel a fairly even distribution of both when needed.

Italian Food or Mexican Food? Mexican food.

Coffee or Tea? Unfortunately neither…

Ice Cream or Froyo? I don’t feel fancy enough for froyo, so I have to go with ice cream.


Most embarrassing moment: After being let go with a warning from a police officer for having a license plate light out, I thought I politely informed him about his headlight being out… only later did I realize there was no way he took that the way I hoped… oops.

One place you would like to visit: Too many to list, but the United Kingdom is on the top.

One thing about the staff people don’t realize: How genuine they are about the Lord and His Church. It’s one of the many things that convinced me WCC is a place I want to be.

The best movie of all time is clearly: Interstellar by far. It’s where I get my dog’s name!

If you had to do one other job in a field outside of your own, what would it be: Running a little coffee shop. Even though I don’t drink coffee, I love the smell and the way it brings people together.

Everyone should read: The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis. Specifically The Magician’s Nephew.

Most played on your playlist right now: I Will Wait for You, by Shane & Shane. It’s taken from Psalm 130, give it a listen!