Faron’s Footnotes

A Fetus Is Human — Not Tissue

Did you see the Super Bowl commercial of a soon-to-be dad eating a bag of Doritos, while an ultrasound was being performed on his unborn child?  The commercial showed the unborn child reaching for the Doritos in whatever direction the dad moved his hand. Well, wouldn’t you know it, somebody didn’t like the ad.  Specifically, a…

There Is Blood On My Bible

The book of Hebrews often gives great insight into Divine truths within just a few words.  Read these words, “Therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood.  For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, scarlet wool, and…

The Christ

While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying, “What do you think about the Christ?” (Matthew 22:41-42).  On another occasion, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do men say that I, the Son of man, am?” (Matthew 16:13).  This is an important question.  Consider some of the opinions expressed regarding the Christ. “‘Is this…


The last chapter of John describes the third time Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection.  He had manifested Himself to them when Thomas was absent, then again when Thomas was with them.  This chapter describes how seven of the disciples (including Thomas) had spent the entire night fishing and had caught nothing.  They…

You Are God’s Treasure!

It is foolish to not think seriously about what really matters.  Our secular world focuses on misguided values and attributes while failing to see that heaven’s value system is so different from theirs.  Far too many Christians suffer from low self-esteem simply because we have embraced a secular view of how we measure ourselves.  The…

The Worst Thing You Can Do

What is the worst thing that you could ever do?  There are all sorts of answers that could be given to that question, but can you think of anything worse than denying Jesus?  How about denying Him in His very presence?  There’s probably not anything worse than that, especially when you do that just hours…

Why Choose Matthew?

What’s the first book of the New Testament?  You can name it, almost as automatically as you can name your own children.  But wait!  Think about this for a moment.  The first book of God’s marvelous New Testament, where He is bringing His eternal plan to fruition, was written by a man named Matthew.  Do…